Sunday, September 14, 2008

more useful tips

How to Close a Bag of Chips by Folding It

from wikiHow - The How to Manual That You Can Edit

Party time calls for chips (crisps) and dip. Opening a few bags of different chips to dip is a breeze. When it comes to clean up time, we find we are left with too many opened chip bags, and not a bag clip in the house to seal them with. Leaving them partially open will make the chips stale before we get to eat them again. Fortunately, there's a way to fold the chip bag so you will never have this problem again and will keep the chips as fresh as the day you bought them.


  1. Smooth the ends so that they are smooth, flat and air tight.
  2. Use both hands and fold the open end down about an inch (2.5 cm). Do not roll.
  3. Tuck each folded end under as you keep flattening and folding once again. Continue in this manner until you reach just above the area of the chips.
  4. Flatten the fold with your hands and fold the corners towards the middle. It doesn't matter which way you fold them; here they are shown folded towards the rolled side, but you can also fold away from the roll.
  5. While keeping the corners folded, unroll the end and fold it over the corners so that it makes a tight pocket or hood holding the ends in.
  6. Check by turning the bag upside down. It is sealed and easy to open the next time you need to use it.


Once you start playing this video, you can press the "slow" button on the right hand side to get a closer look at how the bag is folded.


  • Make sure that you smooth each fold, removing air from the section you are turning down.
  • The neater and tighter your folds, the fresher your chips.
  • May take practice. Keep trying (over a bowl) because this will come in handy.


  • Leaving air inside will make the chips stale. Do not leave air inside with any bag of this type (pretzels, cereal, cookies).
  • This method will not work on pliable bags (like shopping bags). It'll work on foil and paper bags, and on some plastic bags, but only if they're very stiff.
  • Be careful when testing out your folding – you don't want your chips to end up on the floor!

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Sources and Citations

Article provided by wikiHow, a collaborative writing project to build the world's largest, highest quality how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Close a Bag of Chips by Folding It. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.

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